How to get your ex-boyfriend back?

Do you know the acute feeling of longing when you are lying in bed, unable to stand up, and suffer from the pain of loss? This feeling is familiar to anyone who lost a pair earlier than expected.
out of all these tips, we recommend you to try The ex factor guide pdf ebook

Maintain friendships

Whether you were thrown out of your common nest after an innocent hug with his brother, or he himself escaped, leaving the text message "long to explain, the matter to me", the main thing remains the same: to get close to the lost and return him to the bosom of the family, it is necessary that he relaxed and stopped running from you like the plague.

Wrong: after the break to call thirty times a day, write messages listing the benefits of your relationship ("and who now you will wash your clothes, you will rot alive") and manipulative rolls ("what do you do, or I now break the glass, like chocolate in hand").

That's right: to make it clear that you yourself are tired of the relationship with him ("it's cool that you were the first to bring up this topic, or I will not tell you yourself"), but at the same time do not have a dislike or painful attachment to it.

Disappear from the horizon

Imagine how much he got enough of the very fact of your presence in this world, if your mamp a dare dared to tell you about it (if your macho sacrificed the status of a man with a successful relationship, if your home Priap voluntarily refused regular free sex).

Wrong: "You can worry about me, so know that I'm fine, it doesn't get any better," "if you want to tell me something, say something to me now, soon I won't be up to it," "I'm leaving forever, don't look for me, there's no Waifai in the Krishnaite commune near Kaluga."

That's right: «... the last time I was online was 10 days ago."

Take a pause for reflection

Disappearance from the horizon is necessary in order to understand how it happened - six months ago he rejoiced in the prospect of borrowing a hundred thousand to your father, and last week the same man fell asleep in the midst of sexting. Three or six weeks is enough time to come to some conclusions.

Wrong: "Vanderzin's rights, monogamy doesn't exist," "I'm cursed," "I'm just a jerk, a kikimore, an error of evolution."

That's right: remember what he praised you for and what moments were the cause of conflicts. Honestly evaluate yourself on the parameters of "pleasant in communication" and "pleasant to look at," draw conclusions, interview mutual friends, draw up a plan to correct errors.

Rise from the ashes

It would seem difficult to make a man re-love a woman who is regularly in his nightmares. On the other hand, you somehow managed to get him in for the first time, so theoretically a reunion is possible. The key here is to appear before him another person - those who have retained old positive features and at the same time acquired new, attractive and intriguing.

If you've been called an active witty lady (i.e. he remembers you as a mentalally troubled ulcer), imagine that you need an Oscar for the role of a Turgenev girl. A champion of natural style, it's time to think about the fact that her meticulous nude make-up and expensive ombre ex could perceive in the spirit of "all the girls as a girl, and mine with forever shed hair and at least once painted." It's time to turn from her boyfriend's mom to his girlfriend, and a self-confident workaholic know-it-all to add a little airiness to her emotionally neutering image of a Terminator.

Make him happy when you meet him

Nothing pleases a woman more than admiration for her, and nothing pleases a man more than the recognition of his rightness. Avoid mentioning the common past and crush the inner manipulator in the bud. Stay smooth and friendly, do not climb into the soul, do not ask for anything, do not offer and do not advise. If you notice a break in your voice, go wash with cold water and eat something long chewed. Pleasant for him conversation - the one that does not threaten to turn into hysterics, and you have not grown to neutral communication.

Wrong: "Hello, renegade," "you know how much I've spent on a psychoanalyst this month?", "original you have, um, mustache," "well, how are you there, tell me, we're not strangers to you," "I missed, and you missed? Well, at least a little, admit it?", "Do you get a new tie, is it someone's gift?"

That's right: "oh, hello" (go back to reading the magazine, the 260th level of your favorite game, interrupted conversation), "norm, did not sleep a little" (to the question "how are you doing at all?""), "bought my mother the phone that you advised - she likes, thank you."

Hide the emotions about his new girlfriend

Naturally, at the sight of a freshly baked pair, you want to yell "God, how low you fell!" or, on the contrary, you clearly hear how your self-esteem is shattered. Hold on, this is only one lost battle, victory in the war will be yours if you organize the campaign correctly.

"Become a friend of his new woman. First, the enemy will be close and will get used to believing you your thoughts. Secondly, sooner or later you will unite against him in some situation, which will cause him a rush of unpleasant feelings not only to you (you will survive), but also to your replacement. Do not scare off the victim with oriental friendliness: first look closely, appreciate, act gradually. It's good to start with a compliment and a little request that will require a minimum of effort from her and will give her maximum gratitude: "Sorry that I'm so cheeky, just on you the perfect dress that I've been looking for for my sister's wedding for two months, tell me where they're sold?" to become her best friend.

"Share with her funny shameful stories that he would rather forget: "He told you how drunk went to cast on the wall of "Rabica" and in the precinct sang Boyarsky and fought with homeless people?"

"In conversations with the former unobtrusively stand on the side of his girlfriend so that she soon resisted him: "we were given shampoos "Horse Power" at work, so I brought you - my head can be washed anything, and yours complains about the loss of their thin hair, here, take three bottles, soon March 8."

Disguise your interest

Ex - the creation of suspicious, he will begin to trust you only when his attention will be dulled by the factors that defuse you: you are experimenting with your bisexuality, going to America to a rich pensioner, adoring you on Skype, or up to his ears in love with the married brother of the boss. The more details will flow into the public space, the faster you will be believed. Share fears about the unreliability of relationships at a distance and fears about marriage like "May-December", retell in your words stupid stories from women's forums - on your personal life friends will soon sit down, as on the series, and no one will guess what your true insidious plan.

Demonstrate progress

Acting on the instructions, you have already eliminated the main failures in your image, which made your loved one scream at the thought that he will one day be with you in the same building. But there is no limit to perfection, new heights are on the waiting list:

Stop whining and everything you see on the Internet and in life;

- make a normal haircut (not for three hundred rubles in the stall by the subway), throw away all the things in which you do not like yourself, all the dilapidated things, all the things of the style "normcore in the village";

- Give up the habit of living other people's lives, whether it's hours-long conversations with troubled relatives or public discussions about the feasibility of a new tax policy - this swamp will eat up your strength for change;

- Refuse introspection if the reflex sessions end with sobs and devouring candy;

"Find one intellectually developing activity that you really like;

- Be aware of the news in the areas he is following, do not speak with a suspiciously qualified opinion, but be prepared to support the conversation;

- make a list of things to love you, and ask a neutral man to correct it.

Call his interest

Everyone has moments of weakness, your former lover and a recent friend, they too will. Do not throw himself into the mudwith: if he quarreled with his girlfriend, crying and climbs to you in the neckline, then there is a high probability that in the morning your many months of efforts will go to dust: he will be ashamed and break all ties with you. On the contrary, the participation and gentle detachment of a true friend will cause respect and reward handsomely. To arouse his interest, enough:

to be better than the old self and his new passion in the aspects that are important to him, from understanding the same theory to the technique of the minetouin;

Rotate in the same circles as he did;

Attract the admiring attention of other men;

- to have in life something more important than studying, beauty-blogging and sorting through the memory of your relationship with him.

If you have reached this point and he has not gone happy under the crown with a pregnant bride, there is every chance that his next girl will be you again.

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