11 statements by a man in love or how to understand that a man is in love

And back to the subject. If most of the following statements are consistent with what your man says and does, don't doubt he's really serious...
Okay, here we go:

11 statements from a man in love.

If you are interested, we recommend you "Make Him Worship You "

Your happiness is my happiness.
To love someone is to have an emotional connection. When a man is really (not showing off) with you "on the same wave," then he is interested in a long relationship. As one famous writer Robert Heinlein said: "Love is a state in which the happiness of another person is much more important than your own.

      I think you're perfect, though I know you're not.
Of course, there are no perfect people... But when a man is truly in love with a woman, everything in her becomes beautiful for him. Not only looks, but also behavior, gait, smile, quirks and habits. Of course, he knows that she has flaws, but he is simply not interested. He doesn't think about it, he just sees good things.

      I keep my promises...
No matter how you twist it, "I love you" are just words... If they are not backed up by concrete actions, then you immediately have doubts about their truthfulness. The "right" man understands that promises made to a woman must be kept. He will not prove to you in words - only by actions.

      I respect you.

A man cannot love a woman he does not respect. Love implies deep respect for feelings/thoughts/views. A man who loves always consults with a woman when making important decisions about both of them.

      I believe you.
Another facet of love is mutual trust. A man who loves a woman relies heavily on her and expects reciprocity in this. I like a famous quote that applies to this point: "Love gives power to destroy you, but you believe that this will never happen.

      I always strive to do something for you...

"Love" is not a noun, it's a verb. It's a verb. Why? Because true love requires constant and active action, effort and coordination on the part of both partners. If this does not happen, the feelings fade as quickly as they flare up. A wise man (as a wise woman) understands that it is not enough to win a woman, it is necessary to constantly work to preserve and develop relationships.

      I am there for you no matter what happens.
The best proof that a man is in love is his desire to always be there for him. Not physically, but emotionally. That is, he is close not only when the sun shines outside, but also holds an open umbrella above you on a rainy day.

      I represent our future together.
It's very easy to understand that a man is in love by correspondence: from "you and me" he goes to "we". When he begins to plan his future, you are certainly present in those plans. He is not afraid of the prospect of living together for many years, he enjoys the relationship.

      I have no idea what my life would be like without you.
A man who loves a woman always feels the joy of socializing and spending time with her. He realizes that a past bad experience is no longer an experience, there is only a present where he is absolutely happy, and the rest is irrelevant.

      I don't care what you've had in the past...
Everyone understands that their chosen/chosen one has a past. A wise man in love is not interested in this past, it is important for him to have a future together with a woman.

      I'm bringing you into my environment...

If your chosen one does not want to bring you into his circle, it is an occasion to think about the prospects of your relationship.

Men are really capable of love and, moreover, they are no less than women want love.

The answer to the question "How to understand that a man is in love with you?" is simple:

Men are more likely to express their feelings in concrete actions. If this happens in your relationship - fine! He loves you.

And remember, if a man is comfortable with a woman, he is interested in a long relationship with her.

We study the aspects of a relationship with a man in more detail in lesson 5 of the Way of the Woman training.
That's the name of the lesson: "Psychology: the secrets of building a relationship."

read more:
  1. https://digitalforumtv.com/how-can-a-man-miss-it-discover-3-infallible-techniques/
  2. https://digitalforumtv.com/heres-how-to-create-lack-in-a-man-and-make-him-crazy-with-desire/


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